
Why a Consultant?

Over our 15+ years as a Civil Construction Expert, we have had many people ask “Why do we need a Consultant? Our Community or Property Manager should have enough experience to address our needs?” While this may be the case in some instances, most times, it is not.

We like using the comparison of road and related infrastructure maintenance to your own vehicle maintenance. Early in the product life of either, maintenance is fairly routine and minimal. With a car, keeping the oil changed, the tires inflated, and filters cleaned are generally common and rational ongoing preventative maintenance practices. The same can be said for the early stages of road life. In the early stages of road life, crack cleaning and filling, and seal coats, are common and routine for “preventative maintenance.” At this stage, a basic understanding of preventative maintenance is reasonable for the performance of either your car or your roads.

However, like your car or your road’s age, the complexity of the products requires a greater level of expertise than a simple basic understanding. With today’s vehicles, one must almost be a computer technician to work on them. Vehicles now have onboard computers that are continually evaluating product performance. When something goes wrong, your vehicle simply tells you to take your car to the dealer. You now must “rely” on the dealer and the mechanic to provide an accurate report of the problem, the solution, and the cost to repair. That can be a huge risk; one that can cost you a considerable amount of money.

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7254 East Southern Avenue  Suite 107  Mesa, Arizona 85209

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8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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7254 East Southern Avenue  Suite 107  Mesa, Arizona 85209

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(480) 654-4533